Radio Art
This page is dedicated to outlining my work as a radio artist and organizer.
The Test of Lime (2019-2021)
Click here for a best of compilation of material broadcast as part of the Test of Lime radio program.
Description of The Test of Lime from my MA Thesis, “Space-Time? Space-Lime.” in 2020:
“Since January 2019 I have been doing weekly, experimental radio for my program titled, “The Test of Lime with Jake Jacobs” (Figures 25 & 28) broadcast live on the university radio station, KRUI Iowa City 89.7 FM. My interest in radio began with an obsession with the “the best radio station in the country, (6)” WFMU. In particular, the shows “Seven Second Delay,” “Shut Up Weirdo,” “The Dusty Show” with Clay Pigeon and most notably “Miracle Nutrition” with Hearty White. What these shows all have in common is the use of radio as a way to interact directly with the audience; in the case of “Seven Second Delay” and “Shut Up Weirdo” by being a call-in show, with Clay Pigeon collecting street interviews about people’s politics, and Hearty White’s Dada preacher character speaking directly to you. Having grown up in Oklahoma City, my impression of radio was that it was a media designed to play music that people liked enough to sit through the F-150 commercials. Discovering WFMU through their documentary “Sex and Broadcasting (7)” introduced me to community-based radio. For years I had been a musician who worked with alternative, DIY, art and music spaces but here was a radio station doing the same thing that these communities of punks were. I was surprised and enchanted by the institution and when I discovered that the University of Iowa had a student ran radio station, I did whatever I could to embed myself within it.
The name of the show is a pun on experimental filmmaker Stan Brakhage’s 1982 radio program “The Test of Time (8)” on University of Colorado’s KAIR station. The name Jake Jacobs also came as a joke, as around this time I had been mistakenly introduced as Jake Jacobs and I thought it was a silly name. I am a huge fan of Brakhage’s films, writing, and radio show and I wanted to make a joke about how prophetic his radio show was and how playful I planned on mine being.
Besides broadcasting performance art, I have facilitated live remote broadcasts of local art happening such as [Jax] Deluca’s Procession, The Stanley Museum of Art’s experimental music festival [r]amp, Intermedia Open House, radio walks, and my performance artwork Radio Intermedia. The digital archive of this radio show can be found at Section 3.7 is a list of archived episodes of The Test of Lime with Jake Jacobs with annotations explaining generally what happened in each episode.
I am still working on figuring out how to write about and share this work. I do not yet have an answers to my questions about radio. I am thankful for KRUI’s support and I look forward to continuing to make performances that are on or incorporate radio.”
6 “About WFMU” WFMU,
7 Caitlin Mae Burke and Tim K. Smith. Sex and Broadcasting: A Film About WFMU. Directed by Tim K. Smith. Factory 25, 2016.
8 “Stan Brakhage: 1933-2003” Ubuweb: Sound, Ubu,
Unfornunately, the online archive of this work was lost when the website was closed. However, you can click this link for the text description of the many of the episodes of this program which was written as part of the above thesis. Alternatively, you can visit this link to see the wayback machine url of this website.
PSA: People Speaking Art
“As production director at the university radio station during the COVID-19 pandemic, I
had taken home all of the remote broadcasting equipment to help run the station from home and
wanted to offer the radio station as a platform for other artists. Translator and poet, Kaylee
Lockett, and I organized a call for works and received submissions from artists in a variety of
fields and accepted a wide range of text works such as plays, poems, performance prompts, and
prose for the one hour long, live radio art show.
The following artists were included in the event: Tracie Morris, Annelyse Gelman,
Auden Lincoln-Vogel, Biance Rae Messinger, Colin Ferguson, Kelly Clare, Kirsten Ihns, Kylie
Gava, Nora Claire Miller, Scott Daughtridge DeMer.
An audio essay of our experience curating and performing PSA: People Speaking Art, as
well as an overview of radio art in Iowa City, was included in the 2021 Inaugural Museum of
Portable Sound Conference in London, U.K.”
Jones, Jake (Lorelei d’Andriole). "Taxonomy." The University of Iowa, 2021.
Click here to listen to the audio essay Lockett and I produced for the Museum of Portable Sound conference.
If you are interested in listening to the full hour-long broadcast, please email me at
Wave Farm artist residency
In the summer of 2022, I participated in the transmission arts artist residency Wave Farm in Acra, NY with artist Abhishek Narula as the artist duo Wetware Instruments. This link will take you to the Wave Farm documentation of our time here and the Wetware Instruments page also highlights some of our work. As part of this residnecy, Narula and I produced over two hours of material for radio broadcast which can be heard here.
Solidarity Broadcasts
“In June 2020, I broadcast over 16 hours of live radio in Iowa City on KRUI 89.7FM in
support of Black Lives Matter and the Iowa Freedom Riders (IFR), a group of local organizers
protesting against police violence. In collaboration with IFR and members of the Iowa City
community who connected with me through a google number I gave out on the air, I played
revolutionary poetry, speeches, music, and read the list of demands by the IFR to the Iowa City City
Council among other police abolitionist and anti-racist materials. The Solidarity Broadcasts were
made concurrently with protests happening across the city so that while people were marching, I
was communicating important ideological messaging out to the KRUI listening range. Figure 95
shows me in my home office speaking into an SM58 microphone that is being broadcast live
over the airwaves.”
Jones, Jake (Lorelei d’Andriole). "Taxonomy." The University of Iowa, 2021.
Below is an video still from one of the live broadcasts. All broadcasts were made out of my home office in my apartment.
Student Collaborations
I have collaborated with college radio stations KRUI 89.7 FM (University of Iowa) and 89FM IMPACT (Michigan State University) to allow students to perform live radio performance work. Below are some pictures of students making experimental radio!
“Had a blast bringing my intro to intermedia class to KRUI 89.7 FM and doing some performance prompts! Shout out to the news department for letting us take over their hour. This example is them reading vintage electronics books as teams, each person reading one word at a time in a relay fashion. We also told secrets, played would you rather, read tarot, and laugh, cheered, and screamed.”
Lorelei d’Andriole, instagram post